Banana and Donut books

Here’s how many Banana and Donut books I have ever done! ENJOY!  Banana vs Donut, Banana and Donut Became Friends, Banana and Donut Fight of the Tastiness, Banana and Donut Enter Planet 51, Banana and Donut Enter the Haunted House, Banana and Donut Were Stuck, Banana and Donut Were Stuck 2, Banana and Donut Christmas, Banana and Donut New Year, Banana and Donut Valentine’s Day, Banana and Donut Easter. I came up with Banana and Donut from someone’s book. I came up with Banana for no reason. My friend Edward makes books with me. These foods go on fun adventures. That’s it for today. Bye

all about sharks

Today I’m going to tell you about SHARKS!!! Firstly they have 1,000s of TEETH! If they lose a tooth, another one will grow back. They like to eat seals and fish. Here’s how many sharks in the world: great white shark, hammer head shark, bull shark, tiger shark, whale shark, mako shark, blue shark, nurse shark, goblin shark, megaladon shark and more!

If you like sharks comment my blog!!!               bye.

all about chickens

I’m going to teach you about chickens! Firstly they lay eggs and they hatch baby chicks. They teach the baby chicks. Chickens run around like CRAZY!!! CHICKENS GET SCARED OF HUMANS!!! They have a chicken home so they can lay eggs there.  Fox’s eat chickens. MAKE A SONG ABOUT CHICKENS RIGHT NOW!!!!

Fun fact: chicken is my favorite food! My friend made a book about 3 headed chickens! If you have a chicken have fun with it! bye!!!